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Published On 8/1/2023
As members of the Fine Arts Guild we already know about this growing, nonprofit club in our community where artists get together to share ideas and skills. But many SaddleBrooke residents don’t know the size of our organization (approaching 200 people), the types of art our members practice, or even that we offer classes for every level of artist from beginner to advanced. As SaddleBrooke grows and welcomes new residents, so does this vibrant group that supports the arts.
The Fine Arts Guild has been around for many years but, like our community, it has evolved to support a larger scope of work that interests our residents. That’s why we set to update our brand identity. Some forms of art (such as digital) did not even exist a few years ago! And, we recognize that the arts include more than paint and pencils on paper or canvas.
”Like many organizations in SaddleBrooke, we need to project an image that catches peoples’ eyes and ensures th
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Artist of the Month

Published On 3/28/2024
One of the newest members to SaddleBrooke Fine Arts Guild is Katherine Evans. Evans and her husband found SaddleBrooke in the way that many do. They were traveling all over, looking for places to consider retiring in. They visited some friends that were already here, came over the ridge on SaddleBrooke Blvd., saw the mountains, and the rest was history! Along with the views, they loved the golf courses, the activities available, and they felt that the people in the community were very welcoming.
Recently retiring in June, and arriving to SaddleBrooke in September 2023, Katherine has already joined a couple of local clubs, one being the “Knit Wits”, a group which knits baby blankets for foster kids. She also discovered the Art Guild, and has enjoyed participating in the Art Salon discussions, and attending the general meetings, as well.
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